Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Starting Line

Usually I'd say,"No way, I'm far to busy to be blogging," but with my future almost to my doorstep, maybe recording events wouldn't be so bad. This is something I'll probably drop later in college, sure, but I bet I can maintain it for at least a year.

What will happen in a year you ask? Well, probably some of the most important events of my life that's all.
1. College acceptance letters
2. High School Graduation
3. Summer before college
4. Leaving home
5. Freshman year at college

And of course, this can't be some whiny ass blog. Just the important fun stuff.
- School progress
- Amazing things that happen Senior year and into the summer
- College goals
- Interesting things in the news this year

Alright, lets start this blog now!

I got my acceptance letter into Washington State University on Monday! Exciting! :D I promptly got my WSU hoodie the next day, although I do want to know if UW or WWU accepts me.

Culminating project progress: (Dumb ass project all kids in Washington have to complete, but every school district has different requirements, some more than others. It's rather unfair.) I did my job shadow on Monday. I still have end of the year reflections to finish, and to upload my best works for 11th and 12th grade. I'm pretty sure I have more requirements that I can fill really easy with previous works, but I have to write my job shadow reflection soon.

Weirdly I don't have senioritis, I mean I am excited to go to college but I'm pretty much taking it slow. Mostly, I have IB exams and the regional BioTech Expo in the way first which will either make me or break me. Also, culminating project needs to be finished...<- It haunts you, seriously. I'm just excited to not have to deal with most of this later. xD

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